The types of R&D project solicitations NSRP employs are-

  • 1

    Research Announcement Solicitations

  • 2

    Panel Project Solicitations

  • 3

    Requests for Information (RFI)

  • 4

    Request for Proposals (RFP)

NSRP Funding of R&D Projects to Solicitation, Execution, and Selection

One of the primary responsibilities of the Executive Control Board is the selection of projects for funding award, which typically occurs on an annual basis. The proposal submission and selection process is outlined below:

  1. RA is issued; proposers begin developing summary proposals
  2. Summary Proposals are submitted to ATI — a firm submission deadline is included in the Research Announcement and posted on the NSRP website
  3. Summary Proposals are reviewed by third-party subject matter experts, followed by an industry expert panel
  4. Executive Control Board reviews and selects portfolio for funding
  5. Proposals selected for funding submit to ATI full Statements of Work, Technology Transfer Plans and Cost Proposals for technical and cost compliance
  6. Proposals which meet above-described requirements receive award

NSRP projects are executed through the collaborative framework of the Program. Project teams, working with the Program Technical Representatives (PTR), and ATI, play a key role in project execution. PTRs are authorized to provide neutral project technical oversight and approve project deliverables, assist with technology transfer and implementation and participate in project review meetings.

Project Team

  • Perform technical work; complete/submit project deliverables
  • Coordinate/lead transfer of project results across industry
  • Conduct project review meetings

Extended Team

  • Assist with technology transfer and implementation of project results
  • Participate in project review meetings
  • Serve as Program Technical Representative (PTR)
    • Pre-Kickoff of Projects: Participate in negotiation of Statements of Work (SOW) and associated milestones
    • Monitor project progress
    • Compliance with SOWs
    • Monitor project deliverable schedule and ensure project teams are submitting deliverables per the schedule
    • Review deliverables for quality and content to warrant payment
    • Ensure that the project aligns with the overall Program Mission and the goals and objectives of the Strategic Investment Plan throughout the life of the project
    • Provide recommendations to the Executive Control Board, including
      • Extensions
      • Scope changes
      • Go/No-Go to next phase

NSRP Program Staff

  • Ensures project is on schedule and within budget
  • Provides contractual oversight
  • Acts as liaison between project team, PTR and Technical Warrant Holders
  • Participates in project review meetings
  • Facilitates technology transfer and implementation of project results

The objective of all NSRP projects is the transfer of the technologies, tools and processes developed across the industry, with the ultimate goal of implementation of final project results across the shipbuilding industry. Click through for more information on the transition of NSRP projects across the shipbuilding enterprise.

Funding is also set aside for Ad Hoc Groups, established to focus efforts on specific target areas in the shipbuilding and ship repair industry that may fall outside the NSRP project solicitation process or timeline. The collaborative framework of NSRP allows these ad hoc groups to quickly form, carry out their tasks and then disband when required actions are complete.

Recent activities include: